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Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from xaotik :In a world where people believe that a god's kid can be born by a virgin woman after being commanded to do so by a lily-bearing angel, I find it hard to accept that you find it hard to accept.

Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :
In LFS most people don't care if they hit a wall or go off the track since it's just a game. I'm guilty of this too. I think iRacing's system will encourage better driving. People won't jump into a new track and attempt to drive it at 10/10ths.

I do agree to a certain extent, but you guys are willing to pay that much a month for something like that? To me thats just nuts, get in a good league and you will get the same level of professionalism.

Is having real cars/tracks really worth all that cash? To me it's not and find it hard to accept that others are crazy enough to think it's acceptable, but I am biased.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :A nascar is not similar to my own car though... My knowledge of rFactor is lacking, but I was under the assumption that the physics are only good in a few mods (good meaning acceptable but not as good as LFS).

the only two cars that will be available I though for Iracing was a stockcar and legend car. IIRC with Nascar you can get different cars as well.

RF is ok, it just feels funny at the limit and you don't need to be at the limit to learn which corner is next =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from dawesdust_12 :Have you seen Jakg? I don't think they want him for those skills as it is.

LOL now that was below the belt. From what I heard she's an honest keeper
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Nice =) can't beat it =)

Nice to hear that you relate LFS to RL too. It's not perfect, but IMO the basics are there.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :Surprised to see so many vettes in that picture. I didn't think they were popular in other countries. I think I've been watching too much Top Gear Nice lambo behind you too..

yeah everyone loves them, they are cheap, handle well, and boatloads of power. Shame they flex more than a bodybuilder showing off their muscles... if only they had remembered that unibodies cannot really handle that much power without twisting...

I do enjoy vette's rumour has it the Viper is going to be mothballed.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Technique :I don't want to get screwed. But the idea of racing at Limerock or Watkins Glen in cars similar to my own before I do my first track day at said tracks is appealing to me.

You can get these in other games as well. WG comes in NASCAR 2003 IIRC. Limerock is in RF I believe too.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from spankmeyer :But you don't how to make it in teh marketing.

And I got better rules (fancier graphs) and strict jurisdiction that mostly concentrates on keeping Vain in the UF1.

Not mentioning that Finns do everything better and fear no one. Saw the Monaco GP last Sunday? That's right. We went on full assault against India on our own. And they got nukes!

LOL BTW, what did you get your hands on.. I want some!
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
LOL Sorry vain =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed

Processing power... meh, nothing special IMO, not anymore, thats for sure.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
How's the racing going?
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Ian.H :Umm.. wrong

While you can use the simple sine(?) generated data effects (which still act the same at the same point, each lap), you can also model bumps specifically, within inches of where you like, that will remain constant for as long as you drive the track.

LFS' tracks however, are pretty much like a baby's arse and I think the only "intentional" bumps are from where Eric was having a good evening (read: on the sauce).

Most track bumps in LFS are down to bad track building where polys don't quite meet each other



I find that hard to believe myself. LFS doesn't have a lot of bumps, but the ones that are there are intentional, unless you can give 100% definite proof. Showing me where graphics don't quite match up won't do it for me, sorry, the graphic could be separate from the actual track running on, I have seen screen shots of that, especially on curbs.

A side note: If your car is having problems on the bumps lower your spring rates and especially your shock rates to get the car to float over the bumps better, doubly so if the bumps are in a brakezone. You may have adjust your ride height as well.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Jakg :And I thought monster cables were a con!


Here, have a nice glass of cold water =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from chanoman315 :i dont know how is this design shit.. but every new car is becoming hatchback, the STI, Mazda3, what else....

Dodge switched from the Neon to the Caliber...
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
only 60 or so here =( And I thought that was a decent pace, till I saw the record list. I don't see how someone could type that fast.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed

Ahh the drama! This is better than watching Hollyoaks or whatever soap is on TV nowadays!

:gets some popcorn:
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from spiderbait90 :Resembles the Focus in my opinion. But maybe thats what they were aiming for.

Hehe I was going to say the same thing... looks like a Subaru Focus
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from PMD9409 :+1

Can you guys please wait for the NDA to be lifted so we can actually get some real info.

Sure thing, but I already know that I am not willing to pay that much for sim racing, even though I could... the whole point I race online is because it's cheap. I have paid a total of just over $200 to play for the last 6 years including a wheel, they are sextupling this figure if I want to continue playing for the next six years when I could continue playing other simulators for 0 more dollar input.

There are other ways of bringing great content into the game/simulator, other than increasing the amount each person pays for the service. There is no reason why LFS and other simulators can put in place a league structure that would increase the level of professionalism with the drivers, other than nobody has done it yet.
Last edited by Christopher Raemisch, .
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Sounds too structured for my taste. One of the things I enjoy about LFS is that I can hop on any server and find someone from virtually every country in the world.

I am assuming a setup like that would give the option to change the nation of the servers, but to me that just puts a bad taste in my mouth. I like diversity, and segregation is not a way I would like to go, which is what a system like that does. It's saying you are from here, so you use this server, and your from here, so use this server.

Sure you can still join other servers, but from the get go a driver is channeled into national servers like herding cattle... and lets face it everyone is lazy and most people will probably just stick to their national servers because they don't want to spend the effort to find the more international servers.
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
LOL saw the thread title before I looked at the creator and said 'I KNOW SOMEONE WHO IS GOING!" But then I realized that same person was you... :banghead:
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from thisnameistaken :If this sim is designed with professional drivers in mind, does that mean they'll laser scan each track again whenever the surface changes?

I'm not surprised they're charging a fortune.

Well they better get 'cracken' because it will change virtually after every race a little bit and after every rainstorm.... every frost...every sunny day...
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Dajmin :I've not been watching this discussion since the $20 demo was announced, but if everyone stops just giving in to these things it's really easy to change the company's attitude.

If nobody pays the money for the demo, they will be forced to drop the price, or abandon it entirely. If only a handful of people sign up for the crazy subscription fee, they will need to rethink their strategy. It does work. Recently EA changed their plans because of the outcry made about one of their upcoming Pay2Play games (I forget which now, but I'm pretty sure it was EA).
But if people just mindlessly go ahead and pay it anyway, the company has no reason to complain - they make money.

And in a product like this where you NEED other players to make it worth the money, the company NEEDS as many accounts as it can get or the few who do sign up will quickly move on.

I am going to show my disapproval for their pricing structure by failing to purchase their product =)
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from Ball Bearing Turbo :ROFL at that.

Are those known unknowns, or unknown unknowns? Or perhaps unknown knowns....

I suppose they're things that we know that we don't know. But for sure there are also thing that we don't know that we don't know.

LOL yeah, it all sounds very professional though so it makes up for the lack of proper information
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
To have all content, and have a years access it will be $266 if I worked it out correctly. $155 of that is monthly subscriptions... And this is including a $60 discount you get when purchasing an annual subscription.

"What Gameplay Options Are Included?

Note: iRacing will continually develop and gameplay options will be added throughout its development. Just because it is not listed in the launch material is no indication it will not be added. This section will be updated as we learn of new features to be added

Live groove: unknown
Animated pit crews: unknown
What are the garage options on the different cars: unknown
Are there day to night transitions: unknown
Is a spectator mode included: unknown
Weather - is rain included: Not at launch
Changeable weather: unknown
Clutch support: unknown
Driver changes: unknown
Ability to join in qualy: unknown
Ability to rejoin mid race: unknown
Are non US character sets supported: unknown
Is telemetry included: unknown
What kind of driver stats can be displayed: unknown
Can engines catch fire, drop oil etc.: unknown"
Christopher Raemisch
S2 licensed
Quote from three_jump :What he said, only better than I could ever write it
